

The Reports feature in Economize provides organizations with comprehensive insights into their cloud usage and spending. With our powerful reporting tools, users can generate customized reports that offer a detailed analysis of their cloud infrastructure, enabling them to make informed decisions about cost optimization and resource allocation.

Reports can be tailored to meet specific business needs, with customizable filters, groupings, and time ranges. With these options, users can drill down into specific areas of their cloud usage, identifying cost drivers and opportunities for optimization. With reports, users can take control of their cloud spend and ensure they are getting the most value out of their cloud investments.

Reports Capabilities

The reports feature offers a comprehensive suite of sub-features to give users a deep understanding of their cloud usage and spending. With features like Cost Timeline, Slice and Dice, Cost Comparison, Cost Breakdown, and Visualizations, users can generate custom reports and explore their cloud usage data in granular detail, enabling them to make data-driven decisions and optimize their cloud usage for maximum cost savings.

To learn more about each Reports Capabilities, check out each page below:

🗓️pageCost Timeline⚖️pageCost Comparison✂️pageSlice & Dice📊pageVisualizations

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