
Summaries provide users with a comprehensive overview of their cloud spending trends and patterns. This feature enables users to view their cloud spending across different services, accounts, and regions in a summarized format. Users can also view daily, weekly, or monthly summaries of their cloud spending, which helps them track their spending trends over time and identify any anomalies or irregularities. Additionally, the Summaries feature enables users to compare their current spending with the previous period, allowing them to gauge their progress toward achieving cost optimization goals. By utilizing the Summaries feature, users can gain valuable insights into their cloud spending and make data-driven decisions to optimize their cloud environment for cost efficiency.

Users can set up summaries by following the given steps below:

  1. Access Settings: Click on the Settings option in the top panel, once you login into Economize.

  2. Select Reports: In the Settings page, select the Reports section and click on it.

  3. Check existing subscriptions: Check if any report subscriptions already exist on this page.

  1. Click on Add reports subscription: If no report subscription exists, click on the Add report subscription button to create a new subscription.

  2. Set frequency and project name: In the Report Subscription window, set the frequency of the report you want to receive (weekly, or monthly), and select the project name for which you want to set up the report subscription.

  1. Select a channel: Choose the channel on which you want to receive the report (Slack, Discord, Email, Zulip, Google Chat).

  2. Save report configuration: Finally, click on the Save report configuration button to complete the setup process.

That's it! Once you have set up a report subscription, you will receive regular reports based on the frequency you selected, containing a summary of your cloud spending trends and patterns. This feature allows you to keep track of your cloud spending and optimize your cloud environment for cost efficiency.

Last updated